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DomovDisk golf diskiPaterjiGannon Buhr Color Glow Horizon C-Line P3x

Gannon Buhr Color Glow Horizon C-Line P3x

omejenoGannon Buhr
Gannon Buhr Color Glow Horizon C-Line P3x

Gannon Buhr Color Glow Horizon C-Line P3x

Take control of your short game with this fan-favorite throwing putter!

The P3x is a wind-fighting workhorse putter often enjoyed off the tee with both backhand and sidearm. For players that love the P2 but find it too deep to latch on to, the P3x is the one for you. It features a large bead on the bottom, board flat profile, and a slightly smaller interior rim to ensure a clean release every time.

It's perfect for any windy day on the course, smooth reliable upshots, big hyzers, or power forehand/backhand throws that will travel on a rope and get you a clean fade that you can count on. If you're looking for a reliable approach disc for all conditions, the P3x has you covered.

What’s it used for? S-Line putters are generally preferred away from the putting surface, meaning you’ll want to lean on it for shorter holes off the tee, approaches to the green, and utility shots throughout the fairways. But if putting with S-Line is your jam, we got the jelly!

The S-line P3x boasts a great bit of torque-resistance and overstability, even more so than what P3x's in some other plastics have to offer. The S-line blend also offers the P3x a flat profile and a bit lower/thinner grip than most other iterations of this disc.

Obvladljivost: 5.0/10

Začetnik: 6.0/10

Proizvajalec: Discmania

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na zalogi 2 kosi
Skupaj na zalogi 4 kosi

25.87 €

na zalogi 2 kosi
Skupaj na zalogi 4 kosi

Tehnične podrobnosti

Tehnične podrobnosti

Globina obroča1.50 cm
Debelina obroča1.10 cm
Obseg21.3 cm
Odobreni datum09. 11. 2023

Plastika Glow C-line

Plastika Glow C-line

Izdelano tudi v:
D-Line, C-Line, S-Line, S-Line



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