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DomovDisk golf diskiPaterjiHard Exo Notion

Hard Exo Notion

Hard Exo Notion

Hard Exo Notion

Notion brings a smooth balance between control and glide as our straightest flying putter in the Evolution line to date. Players that enjoy the ability to manipulate shots easier, carve a tee or approach shot through the woods, or prefer something a bit more shallow in the hand will find themselves reaching for this beadless putter every time.

Notion suits players looking to putt on a straighter line with less effort. Notion excels off the tee shaping turnovers and buttery flip-up to turn shots. This putter thrives in tailwinds or situations where the straightest line is the best line. Put it on a rope or conquer tricky turnover shots with ease, Notion helps you seal the deal.

Obvladljivost: 9.0/10

Začetnik: 10.0/10

Proizvajalec: Discmania

Najprej izberite težo, nato barvo.Izberite težo

Izberite barvo

na zalogi 1 kosi
Skupaj na zalogi 1 kosi

13.51 €

na zalogi 1 kosi
Skupaj na zalogi 1 kosi

Tehnične podrobnosti

Tehnične podrobnosti

Globina obroča1.30 cm
Debelina obroča1.00 cm
Obseg21.2 cm
Odobreni datum30. 06. 2024

Plastika Exo Hard

Plastika Exo Hard

Izdelano tudi v:
Exo Soft



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