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DomovDisk golf diskiPaterjiSky God II Swirly S-line P2

Sky God II Swirly S-line P2

omejenoSimon Lizotte
Sky God II Swirly S-line P2

Sky God II Swirly S-line P2

This is a limited edition fundraiser disc for the one and only Simon Lizotte. Simon gets a share of profit of each sold disc.

”Drive for show, putt for dough.”

This old adage holds true for the P2. We dare to claim that the P2 has made the most dollars in prize money total. Several Discmania and Innova sponsored pros trust the P2 for the most important throw in the game. The P2 keeps popping up at the top of most sold charts, especially in putters, but also in all disc types combined.

The P2 is more overstable than the P1-series, and is very stable in high speeds, making it ideal for driving, even through winds. One benefit of the P2 is also that is has been produced each of the plastic types Discmania discs have ever been produced in, so you can be sure to find your favorite.

Find out why the P2 is one of our most popular molds by trying it out yourself!

Obvladljivost: 6.0/10

Začetnik: 7.0/10

Proizvajalec: Discmania

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25.87 €

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Tehnične podrobnosti

Tehnične podrobnosti

Globina obroča1.50 cm
Debelina obroča1.00 cm
Obseg21.2 cm
Odobreni datum08. 03. 2007



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